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Franzis HDR Projects 4

Franzis HDR Projects 4 是一款图片后期编辑软件,它拥有丰富的滤镜插件,可以让我们普通的照片转换为美美的艺术照片,让你的照片更为动人。

[PDF] HDR projects 4 professional – User Manual

HDR projects 4 professional does the work for you. The capable program merges the bracketing exposure images and uses tone mapping to establish a photo fit for ...

[PDF] HDR projects 4 elements– User Manual

➢ Overview of HDR Algorithms. HDR projects 4 elements offers 6 different HDR algorithms to choose from. Average: The average is the easiest form of HDR ...

HDR Projects 4 Professional 專業HDR 軟體(限時免費)


HDR projects professional #4 (Win & Mac)

評分 5.0 (1) ... ⌵. Amazon Resale. HDR projects professional #4 (Win & Mac). German edition. 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars (1). HDR projects professional #4 (Win & Mac).


評分 5.0 (1) Mit HDR projects 4 knnen Sie, einem Knstler gleich, sehr feinfhlig ganz besondere Lichtwelten erzeugen, die mit normaler Fotografie oder Bildbearbeitung nicht ...

HDR projects 9 professional

供應中 Use professional tools to optimize your images at a high technical standard. With little effort you will create photographic and creative works of art.

HDR Projects 4 Professional Review | Tutorials

Overall, I was very impressed with this program. It is very customizable, so you can adjust and tweak your images as much or as little as you want, while having ...

HDR Projects 4 Professional for PC

With the exclusive addition of Ultra HDR, HDR Projects Professional 4 will let you perfectly capture that soft, indoor shadow, or bring out every color in a ...

English tutorial: HDR projects 4 - Selective Editing

One of HDR projcts 4 most impressive features is the ability to edit selectivly. Perfect photo software for bracketing.